Twigs Issue #2

Editor: Phong Nguyen

Intent and Results:

My biggest concern in editing winter Twigs 2000 was to get it finished. I had a pretty short time to work on the project, and I wanted to make sure that Twigs didn't stop with me. I also thought that it was pretty important to record everyone's feelings and impressions of the world at the millenium mark, because otherwise the occasion was so unexceptional that it would have been easy to forget.

Visually, the most important thing that I wanted to include were the photo pages, and it was an added bonus to have received so much artwork from Emmy, Ruthy, Hoai, Duncan, and Sam Hellman. I'm a big fan of the inspired artwork of non-career artists, and every piece I used in this issue I was excited about.

As editor, I relied heavily upon the first Twigs and only added or subtracted sections based on what we had. I tried to make it flow smoothly and to keep a relatively consistent theme (the millenium).

Overall, I'd say my favorite things about the issue are my favorite things about every Twigs issue so far: Grandpa's early recollections (with Ramille), the photographs from Vietnam, and the general collaborative feel of the whole endeavor.